Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Is he wounded ?" "No ! he fell," they say, " Killed outright on that fatal day !" But see, the woman has swooned away !
Sadly she opened her eyes to the light,
SlowTly recalled the events of the fight;
Faintly she murmured, "Killed outright!
It has cost me the life of my only son,
But the battle is fought and the victory won ;
The will of the Lord, let it he done!"
God pity the cheerless widow Gray, And send from the halls of Eternal Day The light of His peace to illume her way !
By W. A. Haynes. Air"Star Spangled Banner."
Oh, the tocsin of war still resounds o'er the land,
And legions of braves are now rushing to battle, Our lint-stocks are lighted, our guns are all manned, Loud thunders the cannon, and musketry rattle, Our hosts there are led By the blue, white and red, While the battle fiend flaps his pale wing o'er the dead.
Chorus.—Let the bars and stars of our banner ever wave O'er the land of the South, the home of the brave.